Species Conservation Habitat (SCH)
Project Type
Aquatic Habitat
Lead Implementer
California Department of Water Resources
Other Organizations
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Natural Resources Agency, Imperial Irrigation District, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Project Primary Contact
Melinda Dorin (Melinda.Dorin@water.ca.gov)
Project Stage
2020 - 2025
Aquatic Habitat
The approximately 4,100-acre project will provide critical habitat for birds and fish and improve air quality at the Salton Sea. Located at the southern end of the Sea, the SCH includes aquatic habitat ponds, berms, habitat features, water conveyance structures, and mixing and sedimentation basins. When completed, the SCH will provide feeding, resting, and breeding habitat for birds and fish, particularly fish-eating birds whose habitat is deteriorating quickly as the Sea recedes and
becomes saltier. The salinity level will be managed at a range between 20 to 40 ppt. The SCH will also improve air quality by covering exposed lakebed with water.
becomes saltier. The salinity level will be managed at a range between 20 to 40 ppt. The SCH will also improve air quality by covering exposed lakebed with water.
Key Accomplishments
- Dust Suppression Acres Counted Towards SWRCB WR 2017-0134 Target: 500.00 acres
- Fish and Wildlife Habitat Acres Counted Towards SWRCB WR 2017-0134 Target: 167.00 acres
- Endangered & Special Status Species Habitat: 28.00 acres
- Surface Roughening Conducted: 500.00 acres
- Aquatic Habitat Created: 167.00 acres
Program Phases
- Phase 1 10-Year Plan
- Dust Suppression
- Habitat Enhancement
- Recreation
- Species Conservation
Endangered Species
- Desert Pupfish
- Yuma Ridgway's Rail
Habitat Types
- Managed Aquatic Habitat
A Saline Pump Station is under construction to pump saline water from the Salton Sea into mixing basins.
Pupfish Monitoring (Timing: Before)
A Saline Pump Station is under construction to pump saline water from the Salton Sea into mixing basins. (Timing: During)
An excavator removes a diversion to allow New River water to flow into a holding basin. (Timing: During)
Aerial view looking North of the SCH New River diversion system, the East and West Sedimentation Basins, and the New River and its riparian vegetation. (Timing: During)
Project last updated 2/7/2024