Fish and Wildlife Habitat Acres Counted Towards SWRCB WR 2017-0134 Target
Fish and Wildlife Habitat Acres Counted Towards SWRCB WR 2017-0134 Target
Acre (acres)
Total fish and wildlife habitat acres counted towards the State Water Resource Control Boards WR 2017-0134 target. Habitat projects provide benefits for fish and wildlife that depend on the Salton Sea ecosystem. Acres are considered complete when wetted.
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Expected Activities & Outcomes Results per Project
Reported Activities & Outcomes Results per Project
Additional Information
Reporting Guidance
Critical Definitions
Project Reporting Instructions
Acres are considered complete when they are wetted.
When reporting acres, if any previously reported interim dust suppression acreage has been converted to fish and wildlife habitat, those acres should be reported as Converted Acres.
No Subcategories for this Activities & Outcomes.
Targets by Geospatial Area
The following Geospatial Areas have or should have Projects that contribute results for this Activities & Outcomes. If a Geospatial Area has a Target value it is displayed below.